Faculty of Psychology
Dean: Professor Evgeny A. Klimov
International Students Office: phone: +7-095-203-3163, fax: +7-095-203-3593
General Information
Since 1755 Psychology was among the courses taught at the Faculty of Philosophy. The Department of Psychology was founded at Moscow University in 1942. First head of the Department was Professor S.L.Rubinshtane. The fame of the Department formed research and educational activities of world recognised Russian psychologists: A.R.Luria, P.Ja.Galperin, B.V.Zeigarnik, E.N.Sokolov and others. The Faculty of Psychology became a separate division in 1966. First Dean of the Faculty was Prof. A.N.Leontjev.
Nowadays more than 200 professors, lecturers and research associates, including 10 members of the Russian Academy of Education are working at the Faculty. More than 1000 undergraduate and 100 postgraduate students take their classes.
- General Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Psychology of Work and Engineering Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Psychophysiology
- Pedagogics, Psychology and Methods of Teaching in the Higher School
- Neuropsychology
- Psychology of Labour
- Psychology of Professions and Conflict
- Perception
Bachelour and Master Degrees
5 years full time
Direction: Psychology
- General Psychology
- Psychophysiology
- Clinical Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Industrial Psychology
- Developmental and Educational Psychology
General Courses
- History of Russia
- Philosophy
- Economic Theory
- Sociology
- History of Non-Russian Philosophy
- Foreign Languages
- Logic
- Ethics
- Pedagogic
- Political Science
- Fundamentals of Russian Law
- History and Theory of Religion
- Anatomy and Morphology of Central Nervous System
- Physiology of Central Nervous System
- Physiology of Perceptual Systems
- Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity
- Anthropology
- Mathematics
- Advanced Mathematics
- Mathematical Methods in Psychology
- Computers in Psychology
- Ecology
- General Psychology
- Experimental Psychology
- Laboratory Research in Psychology
- Methodological Problems of Experimental Psychology
- History of Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Psychophysiology
- Developmental Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Methods of Teaching of Psychology
- Psychology of Labour
- Comparative Psychology and Animal Behaviour
- Psychodiagnostics
- Methodological Problems of Psychology
- Introduction to Profession
General Elective Courses
- Introduction to Physical-Chemical Biology
- Human Health
- Mathematical Psychology
- Programming
- Psychological Principles of Personality Correction
- Concepts of Modern Science
- The Evolutionary Synergistic Paradigm of Science as a Unifying Factor in Modern Culture
- Development of the Soviet Bureaucratic System and Soviet Culture
- Political Parties in pre-Revolutionary Russia
- Anarchy in Russia (beginning from 20th century)
- Russia at the Cross Roads (historical cycles of modernisation and the contemporary period)
- Metaphysics of Love in Russian
- Religious Philosophy of 19th – 20th Century
- National Movements and National Politics
- Contemporary Political Process in Russia
Courses on Speciality
General Psychology
- Cognitive Decision Making and Psychology of Risky Behavior
- Psychotechnic Conceptions of Personality
- Psychology of Character
- Creativity in Gifted People
- Introduction to Psychogenetics
- Psychology of Attention
- Diagnostics of Cognitive and Occupational Aptitudes
- Personality and Culture
- Visual Communications in TV and Advertisements
- Theory and Practice of “Tiefen” Psychology
- Contemporary Research in Psychology of Attention
- Psychological Theories of Intellect
- Studies of Intuitive Categorization
- Psychology of Motivation and Goal Formation
- Psychology and Hypnology
- Contemporary Problems of General Psychology
- Theory of Mind as a Process
- Personality as Reflected in Movements
- Conception of Lev Vygotsky and Modern Psychology
- Psychodiagnostics
- Historical Psychology of Personality
- Historiography of Russian Psychology
Clinical Psychology
- Fundamentals of Neurology
- Fundamentals of Psychiatry
- Neuropsychology
- Pathopsychology
- Fundamentals of Psychosomatics
- Fundamentals of Psychotherapy and Psychocorrection
- Psychological Influences on a Person in Clinical Psychology
- Psychology of the Abnormal Child
- Rehabilitation and Training of Patients with Brain Damages
- Neuropsychology of Childhood
- Projective Methods in Personality Investigations
- Clinical Electroencephalography
- Expert Investigations in Psychology
- Somatic Psychology
- Introduction to Clinical
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychology of Delinquent Behaviour
- Pathology of Memory
- Pathology of Emotions
- Clinical Aspects of Personality Disorders
- Emotional and Personal Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence
- Psychology of Trauma
Social Psychology
- Non-Russian Social Psychology in 20th Century
- Psychology of Emotional Relationships
- Social Psychology of Personality
- Psychology of Small Groups
- Economic Psychology
- Ethnic Psychology
- Process of Investigation in Social
- Psychology
- Psychology of Management
- Psychology of Conflicts
- Psychology of Mass Media
- Qualitative Analysis in Social Psychology
- Psychology of Social Studies
- Psychology of Science
- Fundamentals of Socio-Psychological Training
- Psychological Anthropology
- Judicial Psychology
- Psychological Consultations for Organisations
- Psychological Consultations for Individuals
- Psychology of Marketing
- Psychology of Advertising
- Psychology of Communications in Teaching Process
- Psychology of Influence on People
Industrial Psychology
- Fundamentals of Modern Industry
- Psychology of Stress
- Physiology and Hygiene of Labour
- Psychology of Management
- Functional States of a Person During Work Activities
- Psychological Basis of Professional Training
- Methods of Making Contacts with Other People
- Fundamentals of Professional Orientation
- Occupational Psychology
- Ergonomic Designing of Working Places
- Ergonomics and Design
- Human Behaviour in Crises
- Psychology of Interpersonal Communications
- Economic Expertise in Scientific Projects
- Basics of Marketing. Marketing in Science
- Contemporary Migration Process
- Decision-Making in Professional Activities
- Psychological Basis of Business
- History of the Psychology of Labour
- Practical Work of Industrial Psychologists
- Perceptual Processes in Operators
- Aptitude Tests
- Basics of Electroencephalography
- Computers in Psychophysiology
- Physiology of Goal-oriented Behavior in Primates
- Psychophysiology of Functional States
- Psychophysiology of Human Movements
- Psychophysiology of Emotions
- Mechanisms of Stress
- Biorhythms
- Social Psychophysiology
- Ecological Psychophysiology
- Psychophysiology of Memory and Learning
- Molecular Mechanisms of Memory
- Psychophysiology of Colour Vision
Developmental and Educational Psychology
- Theories of Learning
- Formation of Mental Activity
- Psychological Problems in the Education of Gifted Children
- Introduction to Psychological
- Consulting of People of Various Ages Non-Russian Educational Psychology
- Psychodiagnostics of Intellect
- Risk Factors in Mental Development of Children
- Methods of Psychological Examination of Children
- Psychological Prevention and Training of Teenagers and Adolescents
- Psychology of Adolescence
- Diagnostics of Personality in School Psychological Services
- Psychological Analysis of Learning and Teaching
- Psychological Aspects of World-view and Beliefs of an Individual
- Psychological Readiness of Children for Studying in School
- Psychology of Personality Development in Adolescence
- Mental Development of Children with Deep Sensory Defects
- Mediation as a Problem of Genetic Psychology
- Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Modern Developmental Psychology
- Technical Tools and Equipment in the Teaching Process
- Contemporary Theories of the Mental
- Development of Children
- Theory and Practice of Psychological
- Correction of a Personality
Master Degree
2 years full time
- General Psychology
- Psychophysiology
- Clinical Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Industrial Psychology
- Developmental and Educational Psychology
PhD Degree
3 years full time, 4 years part time
- General Psychology and History of Psychology
- Psychophysiology
- Psychology of Labour
- Clinical Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Theory and History of Pedagogic